Swarovski 24% lead crystal cluster

Swarovski 24% lead crystal cluster

Price: £ 29.75
This stunning arrangement consists of 28 individual Swarovski crystals including a 50mm teardrop crystal at the base and an assortment of 15 Ba Gua shapes and 12 sphere crystals to form the most astonishing display. When they are hit by sunlight they generate an incredible display of hundreds of various size rainbows. No matter how hard we tried we could not create the right photo to give it full justice. Activates Ch'i in your room or office, creating good for the occupants and increasing the balance of Yang. These are superb enhancers for wealth in 2023 and should be placed in all windows but especially in the south and west which brings good luck and fortune. These very popular Swarovski crystals and are of the highest quality which produces amazing results as well as ...
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